Friday 3 April 2009

Travel blogs

If you need some ideas for your travel blog, have a look at some of the best travel blogs around:

How to make a blog

Here's how to make a blog:

Creating a blog is really, really easy.You can either go to and just follow the instructions there, or if you want, you can first watch this little video on youtube (it's only 2 minutes long) which gives extra assistance: you can see, creating a blog takes only a minute on, and can easily post (i.e. write) stuff on your blog. Here's another video about how to do this: your blog is ready, you can send me your blog address (mine is You can also put links to all your classmates' blogs on your blog. Here's a video about how to do that: IMPORTANT: Please make sure you turn off the automatic word-verification tool for comments on your blog. You can find out how to do this here. Otherwise, anytime you or someone else wants to leave a comment on a blog, you'd have to type in a long list of letters and numbers which can be very frustrating!Hope this helps to get you blogging!

Thursday 11 December 2008

End of month tasks

Dear Yellow class,

Whilst you are waiting for your tutorial and/or after your tutorial, please make sure you do the following:

1. Look up your undergraduate course via Metranet or Weblearn, and note down the modules you will be following in your first semester. Check the reading lists and try to find one of the books that looks interesting for you in the library - borrow this to read during the Christmas holidays.
2. Please give us some feedback on this month of the Pre-sessional course (following the procedure on the sheet I gave you) - we are always interested to hear your comments.
3. Write a paragraph on your blog reflecting on this month of the course. Say what was easy/difficult/interesting for you (e.g. seminars, lectures, essay writing) and what you plan to keep working on improving in the final month of the course in January.
4. Identify what your weaker areas this month were (e.g. grammar, essay writing, academic vocabulary) and try to find a language book on the first floor of the library or a website which will help you work on this over the holidays.

Well done for your hard work this month. Enjoy the holidays and see you back on Monday 5th January - 9.45 on the first floor of the learning centre!


Friday 5 December 2008

Self-study Friday

Today, please do the following in self-study:

- check that your blog/self-study tasks are done (at least 7 needed) and ready for submission at 2pm.

- speak to me (or other students) to discuss your essay draft

- if time, start looking at the final seminar (p59-60) preparation

- look at the following link to find out more about privacy in preparation for the next seminar

Monday 1 December 2008

Seminar summary

I've organised the summaries you gave of your seminar discussions into the notes below:

Widespread monitoring in all countries, although some variety between countries.

Negative side:
Some people feel their privacy is compromised. More laws will need to be passed in the future to protect our privacy.
People feel scared of online surveillance. Innocent people feel they are being watched all the time.

Positive side:
CCTV and monitoring is good for catching suspects, it improves security and keeps society under control. It also provides evidence for crimes.
CCTV is needed in modern society, especially now that people move freely between countries and do not know their neighbours.

Solutions? The future?:
We need to find a balance between keeping security by surveillance and protecting our personal privacy.
Papers in the future will be redundant – instead our data will be stored on computers. Technology will be the key to the future.

The progamme I mentioned from last night about crime and disorder in Philadelphia is at:

Friday 28 November 2008

Lecture notes

Dear Yellow class,

I wanted to post my lecture notes from today, but am having technical problems trying to do that. I will bring them to class on Monday instead, to compare with yours before we start the seminar at 12.

Surveillance society links

Here are the links from the booklet. Try to do some research using some of these in class today and further research before the seminar on Monday.

On-line sources of information

DNA Databases:
DNA Databases:
Privacy: (lecture)