Monday 1 December 2008

Seminar summary

I've organised the summaries you gave of your seminar discussions into the notes below:

Widespread monitoring in all countries, although some variety between countries.

Negative side:
Some people feel their privacy is compromised. More laws will need to be passed in the future to protect our privacy.
People feel scared of online surveillance. Innocent people feel they are being watched all the time.

Positive side:
CCTV and monitoring is good for catching suspects, it improves security and keeps society under control. It also provides evidence for crimes.
CCTV is needed in modern society, especially now that people move freely between countries and do not know their neighbours.

Solutions? The future?:
We need to find a balance between keeping security by surveillance and protecting our personal privacy.
Papers in the future will be redundant – instead our data will be stored on computers. Technology will be the key to the future.

The progamme I mentioned from last night about crime and disorder in Philadelphia is at:

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