Friday 28 November 2008

Lecture notes

Dear Yellow class,

I wanted to post my lecture notes from today, but am having technical problems trying to do that. I will bring them to class on Monday instead, to compare with yours before we start the seminar at 12.

Surveillance society links

Here are the links from the booklet. Try to do some research using some of these in class today and further research before the seminar on Monday.

On-line sources of information

DNA Databases:
DNA Databases:
Privacy: (lecture)

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Orange class

If you're struggling with the homework today, here are the words you need to complete the gaps. You will, of course, have to decide which goes in which gap.


Yellow class: Example essay outline

Some years ago, most children spent their time playing freely, but today they spend, on average, 30 hours per week sitting in front of a TV screen. On one hand, TV offers them many educational opportunities which children in the past did not benefit from. On the other hand, however, it means that children today have far less chance for physical activity and social interaction, which could lead to health and communication problems. This essay will examine both the drawbacks and benefits of high TV consumption among children, and argue that it can offer many advantages, but on the condition that it is not children's only leisure activity.

Paragraph 1: Positive aspects, e.g. educational opportunities, new learning, gets children’s interest (maybe more than books)

Paragraph 2: First negative aspect: too little physical activity. Children are overweight, even obese. Children have health problems. Result: costs the government more in health care.

Paragraph 3: Second negative aspect: lack of social interaction. Children will have communication problems later in life.

Paragraph 4: Third negative aspect: Children may copy bad behaviour from TV, e.g. crime, swearing, violence?

Conclusion: TV has many negatives, but also some positives.
We need some solutions, e.g. parents need to control how much and what children watch, and work with media companies for this.

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Yellow class: intro from class

Here's the intro we built up today in class:

Some years ago, most children spent their time playing freely, but today they spend, on average, 30 hours per week sitting in front of a TV screen. On one hand, TV offers them many educational opportunities which children in the past did not benefit from. On the other hand, however, it means that children today have far less chance for physical activity and social interaction, which could lead to health and communication problems. This essay will examine both the drawbacks and benefits of high TV consumption among children, and argue that it can offer many advantages, but on the condition that it is not children's only leisure activity.

Monday 24 November 2008


Dear Yellow class,

Well done for the seminar today. You prepared and contributed well, in general. I'll talk to you more about individual performance on Friday.
You might want to try doing task 17 of the Self-study tasks as a reflection on how the seminar went. The sheet on p61 of the booklet might help.
Tomorrow we'll look in more detail at writing introductions.

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Essay writing intro (Orange class)

In the class today we started looking at essay writing and identified the following outline for the tourism essay in your booklets:

To what extent has tourism been beneficial to the Cook Islands?
Paragraph 1: Economic benefits of tourism in the Cook Islands (spending leads to more jobs)
Paragraph 2: Negative effect (The financial benefit of tourism goes mostly to foreigners not the locals)

Paragraph 3: Another negative effect: many of the best jobs in tourism go to foreigners not locals. Also, local sources of income, e.g. cropping are being lost as tourism takes over.

Paragraph 4: Final negative effect: local culture starts to be lost and the culture of tourists takes over.

Conclusion: Tourism has not been very beneficial to the Cook Islands, but it could be if locals were involved in tourism planning.

We also discussed essay writing generally and the following issues:

Many possible answers to most essay questions
Depends on the question. May need facts and also opinions.
Make your own opinion clear. Also use the opinions of others (experts in the field) to support your ideas (but see 'Avoiding plagiarism'). Make it clear that you have read around the subject and understand what different arguments and opinions there are. You may want to compare different arguments, e.g. negative and positive and then decide what YOU think.

All opinions need supporting, for example:

Opinion: Tourism is a bad thing.
Support with evidence (examples and reasons):
It can create pollution, for example the Cook islands have become more polluted in the last 15 years since tourism was developed there.

Essay organisation:
Main body (start a new paragraph for each new idea)

Monday 17 November 2008

Start of Pre-sessional Month 2

Dear Yellow/Orange classes,

Well done for finding the blog. Please try to set up your own blog (using the instructions on p8 of the booklet) or here below. Then I can take a look at the self-study you are doing and give you suggestions, and other students from the class can also take a look. I'll also use this space to post any useful information from what we've covered in class - please check it regularly through the course.

To set up a blog:

Creating a self-study blog
Creating a blog is really, really easy.You can either go to and just follow the instructions there, or if you want, you can first watch this little video on youtube (it's only 2 minutes long) which gives extra assistance: you can see, creating a blog takes only a minute on, and can easily post (i.e. write) stuff on your blog. Here's another video about how to do this: your blog is ready, you can send your tutor your blog address. You can also put links to all your classmates' blogs on your blog. Here's a video about how to do that:

VERY IMPORTANT: Please make sure you turn off the automatic word-verification tool for comments on your blog. You can find out how to do this here ( Otherwise, anytime you or someone else wants to leave a comment on a blog, you'd have to type in a long list of letters and numbers which can be very frustrating!

Hope this helps to get you blogging!