Wednesday 19 November 2008

Essay writing intro (Orange class)

In the class today we started looking at essay writing and identified the following outline for the tourism essay in your booklets:

To what extent has tourism been beneficial to the Cook Islands?
Paragraph 1: Economic benefits of tourism in the Cook Islands (spending leads to more jobs)
Paragraph 2: Negative effect (The financial benefit of tourism goes mostly to foreigners not the locals)

Paragraph 3: Another negative effect: many of the best jobs in tourism go to foreigners not locals. Also, local sources of income, e.g. cropping are being lost as tourism takes over.

Paragraph 4: Final negative effect: local culture starts to be lost and the culture of tourists takes over.

Conclusion: Tourism has not been very beneficial to the Cook Islands, but it could be if locals were involved in tourism planning.

We also discussed essay writing generally and the following issues:

Many possible answers to most essay questions
Depends on the question. May need facts and also opinions.
Make your own opinion clear. Also use the opinions of others (experts in the field) to support your ideas (but see 'Avoiding plagiarism'). Make it clear that you have read around the subject and understand what different arguments and opinions there are. You may want to compare different arguments, e.g. negative and positive and then decide what YOU think.

All opinions need supporting, for example:

Opinion: Tourism is a bad thing.
Support with evidence (examples and reasons):
It can create pollution, for example the Cook islands have become more polluted in the last 15 years since tourism was developed there.

Essay organisation:
Main body (start a new paragraph for each new idea)

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