Tuesday 26 August 2008

Canterbury, Tuesday 26 Aug

Dear all,

I hope that you found the lecture today useful. Steve's blog (if any of you missed the address) is selfstudying.blogspot.com. You'll find more links to globalisation information here.

For the poster presentations tomorrow, the texts I gave you (1 per group) were:

And p52-54 in your yellow booklet.

Well done all of you who have your blogs up and running now - they look great. Keep them up!

From the tutorials last Friday, it is clear that lots of you have plenty of time pressures at the moment, with trying to find places to live or working in the afternoons as well as studying. Hopefully things should get easier this week as you get more settled into London (for new arrivals). Aim to prioritise what you have to do (your most urgent priority study-wise is getting your draft ready for Friday - more about this in class tomorrow). Also remember that self-study can be flexible. For example, if you are working and using English in your job, that forms part of English language practice (try to write a diary/blog entry noting when you're using English outside class). If you are visiting London, again write about this in your self-study - it's a useful linguistic and cultural experience.

Thanks for filling in the new student questionnaires on Friday. A few things that came up:

Conversation club: if you didn't know, it's 3-4 on Wednesday in room LC111. It's optional, but please try to attend if speaking is one of the areas you need to improve. Keep a note on your blog/self-study diary of when you go/what you discuss. Discussions with flatmates/other students could also be mentioned on your blog as part of self-study.

Social programme: information can be found on the noticeboard on the first floor of the learning centre or on the social programme blog (on my bloglist).

Thursday 21 August 2008

Canterbury, Self-study class Friday 22nd

Here are a few tasks for you to try to complete during the self-study/tutorial class (and to finish off over the weekend if you don't have time today):

1. Complete the new student questionnaire so that you're ready to discuss any issues during your tutorial.
2. Take a look at the blogs set up by other students - are there any good ideas you can take for globalisation research and/or self-study ideas?
3. If you haven't already set up a blog and you'd like to do so, set one up during the class. If you've already set one up, help someone else to do so.
4. Update your blog with any recent self-study you've been doing. Include weblinks to any articles you've read or online exercises you've done, together with a comment/opinion.
5. Explore Weblearn (particularly the self-study tools) - mention any links you use on your blog.
6. Use the 'Undergraduate courses' link on Weblearn to find out more about your Undergraduate course, particularly the modules you'll follow, the reading list and the course leader - try to email/contact your course leader to arrange to meet them before your course starts for further advice.
7. If you have time, try to write a paragraph reflecting on your first week at the university (on paper or on your blog). Has it been as you expected? What's been difficult/easy/interesting/boring/surprising? Have you attended the conversation club or any social events? Who have you met? What are you going to focus on doing next week?

That's it!

Canterbury, Thursday 21st Aug

We looked at possible contents for introductions today, including giving an overview of the content and organisation of your essay. Here are some examples we looked at:
This essay will...

a) .......provide/give.............. an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of identity cards.
This essay will…
b) .........summarise/present/explain/consider/examine............ the pros and cons of arming the police.

c) try to .......show/investigate/identify.............. the main reasons for the sudden increase in crime among young women.

d) .......argue/prove/state.............. that all testing on animals should be banned.

e) .........put............ forward the case for re-introducing student grants.

f) ..........weigh........... up the benefits and drawbacks of legalising cannabis, in order to .........decide/understand............ whether the government should introduce this measure.

g) ..........state/look at/examine/discuss/analyse........... the arguments for and against arranged marriage.

Homework: continue your globalisation research (eg the google video) and start thinking about your introduction contents.

Wednesday 20 August 2008

Globalisation links

Here are the sources I pointed out earlier from p21 of the booklet (which should save some time retyping the addresses).

Possible sources of information


A series of 5 lectures on globalisation: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/reith1999/lectures.shtml
A TV programme on the effects of globalisation: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7932485454526581006

Canterbury: Wednesday 20th August

Today we discussed the balance of your own ideas/other people's ideas in an essay and how to use other people's ideas appropriately with direct quoting/paraphrasing and summarising together with in-text referencing and bibliographies to avoid plagiarism.

We also discussed the reliability of sources, including the website domains :

For homework, try to find 3 useful, reliable websites for the globalisation essay and post on your blog/bring to class tomorrow.
Also start exploring some of the suggested links on p21, eg www.johnpilger.com

Also aim to use Metranet in the next few days to find out more about your Undergraduate course (which are the modules you'll follow in your first semester, what are the readings lists, who is the course leader).

Monday 18 August 2008

Class: Monday 18th August

Today we discussed self-study plans.

Some suggested shops for buying self-study materials:
Blackwells (Holloway Rd)
Waterstones (Gower Street) - Goodge St underground

Please write 2 paragraphs about the following subjects:

Introduction to you:
Subject you are going to study

Self-study aims for this month:
What are you going to focus on?
What activities are you going to do to improve your weak areas?

You can either write them on paper or on your blog (if you are able to set one up successfully following the instructions below).

Here are some example blogs made by other students last month that you might like to take a look at for ideas:


Sunday 17 August 2008

Creating a self-study blog

Creating a blog is really, really easy.
You can either go to blogger.com and just follow the instructions there, or if you want, you can first watch this little video on youtube (it's only 2 minutes long) which gives extra assistance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU4gXHkejMo

As you can see, creating a blog takes only a minute on blogger.com, and can easily post (i.e. write) stuff on your blog. Here's another video about how to do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdqXLzvg-kM).

Once your blog is ready, you can send me your blog address (mine is http://susainlondon.blogspot.com/). You can also put links to all your classmates' blogs on your blog. Here's a video about how to do that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kY5cMEOl9Js.

VERY IMPORTANT: Please make sure you turn off the automatic word-verification tool for comments on your blog. You can find out how to do this here. Otherwise, anytime you or someone else wants to leave a comment on a blog, you'd have to type in a long list of letters and numbers which can be very frustrating!Hope this helps to get you blogging!