Tuesday 26 August 2008

Canterbury, Tuesday 26 Aug

Dear all,

I hope that you found the lecture today useful. Steve's blog (if any of you missed the address) is selfstudying.blogspot.com. You'll find more links to globalisation information here.

For the poster presentations tomorrow, the texts I gave you (1 per group) were:

And p52-54 in your yellow booklet.

Well done all of you who have your blogs up and running now - they look great. Keep them up!

From the tutorials last Friday, it is clear that lots of you have plenty of time pressures at the moment, with trying to find places to live or working in the afternoons as well as studying. Hopefully things should get easier this week as you get more settled into London (for new arrivals). Aim to prioritise what you have to do (your most urgent priority study-wise is getting your draft ready for Friday - more about this in class tomorrow). Also remember that self-study can be flexible. For example, if you are working and using English in your job, that forms part of English language practice (try to write a diary/blog entry noting when you're using English outside class). If you are visiting London, again write about this in your self-study - it's a useful linguistic and cultural experience.

Thanks for filling in the new student questionnaires on Friday. A few things that came up:

Conversation club: if you didn't know, it's 3-4 on Wednesday in room LC111. It's optional, but please try to attend if speaking is one of the areas you need to improve. Keep a note on your blog/self-study diary of when you go/what you discuss. Discussions with flatmates/other students could also be mentioned on your blog as part of self-study.

Social programme: information can be found on the noticeboard on the first floor of the learning centre or on the social programme blog (on my bloglist).

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