Thursday 21 August 2008

Canterbury, Thursday 21st Aug

We looked at possible contents for introductions today, including giving an overview of the content and organisation of your essay. Here are some examples we looked at:
This essay will...

a) .......provide/give.............. an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of identity cards.
This essay will…
b) .........summarise/present/explain/consider/examine............ the pros and cons of arming the police.

c) try to the main reasons for the sudden increase in crime among young women.

d) .......argue/prove/state.............. that all testing on animals should be banned.

e) .........put............ forward the case for re-introducing student grants.

f) ..........weigh........... up the benefits and drawbacks of legalising cannabis, in order to .........decide/understand............ whether the government should introduce this measure.

g) ..........state/look at/examine/discuss/analyse........... the arguments for and against arranged marriage.

Homework: continue your globalisation research (eg the google video) and start thinking about your introduction contents.

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